Install Aurum CLI


  1. Debiab-based (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu operating system)
  2. Have the following system packages installed:
    • mercurial (hg)
    • zip
    • unzip
  3. Own a Bitbucket account.
  4. Optionally, the system has Python’s virtualenv support.


Currently, we only support Debian-based linux OS. Mac and Windows users may not get the full benefit when they are using Aurum CLI.


We encourage users to install Aurum CLI with virtualenv. Speak with your system administrator if you are not sure about how to install Aurum CLI.


Aurum currently only support hg mercurial-based repository. GitHub does not support hg and Bitbucket offers unlimited free private repository for academic user with .edu email address.

If pip returns error, check Pip Troubleshooting below.

Aurum-cli on Fubini

If you are a member of the GLASS Lab, you can find use aurum-cli off Fubini after ssh into our glasslab network.

ssh username@fubini or ssh username@

Install From Source

The installation involves cloning down the repository and running

Clone Repository

First, clone the repository on Bitbucket.

yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work$ hg clone
yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work$ ls

The second command lists all the files and directories under /home/yeukhon/work. Among them there is a folder called aurum-cli.

Install Aurum CLI without virtualenv

After cloning down the repository, you can install Aurum CLI without virtualenv. But this often requires sudo privilege.

yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work$ cd aurum-cli
yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work/aurum-cli$ [sudo] python develop

The last command may require sudo and will install aurum-cli to your system. Afterward you can try aurum-cli from your shell.

Install Aurum CLI with virtualenv

yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work$ virtualenv newven
yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work$ source newven/bin/activate
(newven)yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work$ cd aurum-cli
(newven)yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work/aurum-cli$ python develop

The first command will create a virtualenv called newven and the second will activate it so the current shell’s Python environment will now refer to this virtualenv. The last command will install aurum-cli to your system. You can verify the installation by typing aurum-cli from your shell.


If you pay attention, the last two commands have (newven). This indicates the current shell is using newven‘s Python binary. So instead of using the system-wide /usr/bin/python, you are using /path/to/newven/bin/python. Google virtualenv if you are not familiar with virtualenv, but would like to use it because you think it is awesome!

Pip Troubleshooting

If you encounter NameError: name 'install' is not defined, you can do the following:


and then proceed to install aurum-cli again.