Install Aurum CLI ================= Prerequisites ------------- 1. Debiab-based (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu operating system) 2. Have the following system packages installed: * mercurial (hg) * zip * unzip 3. Own a Bitbucket account. 4. Optionally, the system has Python's virtualenv support. .. note:: Currently, we only support Debian-based linux OS. Mac and Windows users may not get the full benefit when they are using Aurum CLI. .. note:: We encourage users to install Aurum CLI with virtualenv. Speak with your system administrator if you are not sure about how to install Aurum CLI. .. note:: Aurum currently only support **hg** mercurial-based repository. GitHub does not support **hg** and Bitbucket offers unlimited free private repository for academic user with **.edu** email address. If **pip** returns error, check :ref:`pip-trouble-shoot-label` below. ----------------------------- Aurum-cli on Fubini ------------------- If you are a member of the GLASS Lab, you can find use ``aurum-cli`` off Fubini after ssh into our glasslab network. .. code-block:: bash ssh username@fubini or ssh username@ aurum-cli Install From Source ------------------- The installation involves cloning down the repository and running ````. Clone Repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, clone the repository on Bitbucket. .. code-block:: bash yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work$ hg clone yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work$ ls The second command lists all the files and directories under ``/home/yeukhon/work``. Among them there is a folder called **aurum-cli**. Install Aurum CLI without virtualenv ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After cloning down the repository, you can install Aurum CLI without virtualenv. But this often requires ``sudo`` privilege. .. code-block:: bash yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work$ cd aurum-cli yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work/aurum-cli$ [sudo] python develop The last command may require ``sudo`` and will install aurum-cli to your system. Afterward you can try ``aurum-cli`` from your shell. Install Aurum CLI with virtualenv ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work$ virtualenv newven yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work$ source newven/bin/activate (newven)yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work$ cd aurum-cli (newven)yeukhon@fubini:/home/yeukhon/work/aurum-cli$ python develop The first command will create a virtualenv called **newven** and the second will activate it so the current shell's Python environment will now refer to this virtualenv. The last command will install aurum-cli to your system. You can verify the installation by typing ``aurum-cli`` from your shell. .. note:: If you pay attention, the last two commands have **(newven)**. This indicates the current shell is using **newven**'s Python binary. So instead of using the system-wide ``/usr/bin/python``, you are using ``/path/to/newven/bin/python``. Google virtualenv if you are not familiar with virtualenv, but would like to use it because you think it is awesome! ---------------------------- .. _pip-trouble-shoot-label: Pip Troubleshooting ------------------- If you encounter ``NameError: name 'install' is not defined``, you can do the following:: wget python and then proceed to install aurum-cli again.